LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Tag: SOTA (page 3 of 4)

Activating LA/ST-208 Annølskammen

The summits around Trondheim have a habit of becoming covered by snow around this time of year. The snow is [… Read more]

SOTA trip to LA/ST-245 Storhaugen

After a successful celebration of our centennial the first weekend in May, we decided to arrange a trip the following [… Read more]

Ski trip to LA/ST-010 Storheia

With the spring closing in we wanted to utilize the snow left i Trondheim before it all melted away for [… Read more]

SOTA visit to LA/ST-009 Gråkallen

Of all the SOTA-summits near Trondheim, LA/ST-009 Gråkallen persists to be the most accessible. We decided to activate it Sunday [… Read more]

Ski trip to LA/ST-236, Bjørsetknippen

Winter in Trondheim, by tradition, begins with a very modest amount of snow (if any at all) in early December. [… Read more]

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