LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Tag: SOTA (page 2 of 4)

The final ski-based SOTA-activation of the season: LA/ST-080 Resfjellet

The winter bonus season might be over, but that does not need to mean that the ski season is over. [… Read more]

Easter “Σάμος” SOTA-trip with SV8/LA1K/P

Last year during our jubilee year, a trip to Samos (Σάμος) was initiated by club member, Greek representative and Samos [… Read more]

Portable trip to Gråkallen

Building on earlier successes, we decided to combine two of them this spring. The first one was to invite both [… Read more]

Activation of LA/ST-134 Ølshavden

Sometimes, the winter takes a break and we get a few weeks of warmth in Trondheim. This usually has a [… Read more]

Activation of LA/ST-209 Sjåvidthøgda

One of the problems with the winter is that the days are so short. When planning SOTA trips, we have [… Read more]

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