LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Category: Projects (page 4 of 21)

SatNOGS station slightly more QRV, but 90 degrees out of phase

Our SatNOGS station has been very QRT for a long time, first when the USRP broke down and yet more [… Read more]

Digitization of ARK’s archive: Finished

The work we wrote about a couple of weeks ago is finished! We’ve digitized ARK’s written records. We started March [… Read more]

Digitization of ARK’s archive

After having existed as a student radio club since 1923, we’ve accumulated quite some history over the years. Most of [… Read more]

Enabling use of a USRP N210 connected to a single computer from other computers on the local network

Alright – our USRP N210 is still broken, but we managed to draft a blog post about it while it [… Read more]

SatNOGS station QRT: Broken USRP N210

After a long period of our SatNOGS station being well-behaved, we’ve recently had a sequence of interesting problems. This first [… Read more]

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