LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Author: LA9SSA (page 4 of 11)

Controlling a SteppIR SDA 100 controller from Python

Some time back, we acquired a BigIR antenna. This antenna can automatically tune itself to some optimal length according to [… Read more]

Development of a SatNOGS station: A “transceiver friendly” SatNOGS setup

In a blog post a couple of weeks ago, we showed how we built a DK7ZB cross-yagi for our SatNOGS [… Read more]

Development of a SatNOGS station: building the antenna

During last autumn, we helped LA1NGS change their rotor, and scored their old, broken rotor as “spoils of war”, as [… Read more]

Least-effort ADIF-parsing in Python

Far back in time, almost one year ago, we mentioned that “An ADIF parser for Python was hacked together based [… Read more]

Enabling rotctld support in KStars

KStars is a KDE application for doing astronomy stuff. It has the possibility to make telescopes and other equipment track [… Read more]

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