LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Author: LA9SSA (page 3 of 11)

Receiving OPS-SAT at LA1K – a Christmas (mis)adventure

As mentioned last Wednesday, we’ve been cleaning up our SatNOGS setup in preparation for reception of OPS-SAT. Its beacon was [… Read more]

Preparing for OPS-SAT: Restoring the LA1K SatNOGS station

ARK’s equipment adheres to some opposite variant of Newton’s first law, which means that it is usually QRT unless actively [… Read more]

QSO live statistics

The observant ARK member will during the last months have noticed that live QSO statistics have appeared on the information [… Read more]

Improving the N1MM QSO receiver

Since we wrote Receiving QSOs over the network from N1MM one year ago, the system has been surprisingly stable in [… Read more]


Samfundet is currently hosting the biennial festival UKA. This is a student-organized culture festival with traditions back to the beginning [… Read more]

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