LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Author: LB5DH (page 1 of 8)

Repairing the 15m beam and running the BARTG HF contest

The 15m part of our multiband array has by now been QRT for over a year, which is an unfortunate [… Read more]

POTA-activation combined with the ski world championship

We attempt to have a portable excursion every license course, and this time, we had two innovations: We would combine [… Read more]

Making a 15m flowerpot antenna

The 15m part of our beam has been QRT for a while, likely due to a broken balun. It is [… Read more]

Preparing our BigIR antenna for CQ WPX RTTY

We recently got ourselves a BigIR mechanically adjustable vertical primarily intended to be used on the 80m band. We have [… Read more]

Experiment with metal vertical antenna whip and 3D printing

We have grown accustomed to using a wire taped to a glass fiber mast when operating as portable. This is [… Read more]

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