Do you want to take the amateur radio license? Then this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Academic Radio Clubs’ biannual license course starts in week 6, and you are all invited to join.

The course consists of 8 evenings, and the last one is the license exam. ARK provides the course for free, but you will have to account for the course materials yourself. The curriculum is mainly covered by “Veien til internasjonal radioamatørlisens“(In Norwegian), which can be purchased from NRRL. You will need to pay an additional 2000 NOK to the authorities for them to administer your license if you pass.

If you want to join or take the exam, please sign up so you can receive emails about the course.

All the lectures and the exams are on Wednesdays from 18.15 to 20.00.

5.2.25R54Introduction, wave propagation, modulation, shorthand and jargon
12.2.25R54Direct current, alternating current, passive components, power
19.2.25G21Digital signal processing, measurement instruments, electromagnetic field strength, safety, EMC, laws
26.2.25G21Resonans, filters, transistors, amplifier architectures
5.3.25G21Radio architecture, decibels, antennas, transmission lines
12.3.25G21Mock exam
19.3.25G21Mock exam walkthrough
26.3.25G21License exam
Join us for the license course -LB5GJ

Edit 7.2: New room