Happy holidays, from LA1K. This is the new “Formann” writing and I wish everyone who reads this is having a lovely Christmas holiday, or if you don’t celebrate Christmas, i hope you still have a lovely holiday and December.

I took over as the leader of the academic radio club with call sign LA1K in late November and with a lot of help from the previous leader(LB0RI) i have had a great but slightly inefficient December. We had got our beautiful Christmas tree, and had a nice party with gifts from our very own Santa(!) and some nice “gløgg”.

Here is the tree and my favorite decoration:

For the coming year I have quite a few plans I wish to work towards, and lots to do. I also have my studies, which of course will take a lot of my time. Yet the radio club will have a high priority and I wish to spend a lot of time enjoying myself with my friends here.

With few clear goals, my highest priority one will probably be to finally get my own amateur radio license and my own call sign. I hope I get a good one!

Anyways, whether you are with familiy, friends or enjoying time by yourself this December, myself and the others in LA1K wish you a merry Christmas and a great new year!

-Formann, Aksel

Ps, I’m the Santa with the beard in the Christmas Card;)