Sometimes, the winter takes a break and we get a few weeks of warmth in Trondheim. This usually has a negative impact on the snow conditions, which is a heavy-weight consideration in our trip planning. As usual, it is typically colder at higher altitudes and further inland. In Trøndelag, the summits are typically higher when we get away from the shore. Unfortunately for us in Trondheim, this implies that we have to travel quite far when there is little snow in the terrain, but LA/ST-134 Ølshavden provided a good compromise.

When we set out on the 28th of January, it was both warm and there was a lot of wind. Still, the summit had been relatively cold during the warm weeks before so we expected enough show. This turned out to hold.

We found a free and hopefully legal parking spot and started the ascent. In the beginning, we followed a gentle snowmobile track before it ended in a cabin. After that, we continued inwards over the marshes and sparse forests. The path was still gentle, but that was not unexpected. We had chosen a gentle summit due to the avalanche risk.

The final ascent was steeper, but the snow cover was so thin that the avalanche risk was negligible. Instead of an avalanche, we got the chance to feel one of nature’s other forces: the wind. To no surprise, it turned out that the top was more exposed to the wind than the forest had been. The forecasted strong wind now hit us with full force.

We continued up to the top to look at the view and feel the wind, but we retreated a few meters back down to seek shelter behind some trees. We dug a nice shack area and erected our tried and trusted 20m vertical there. We have seemingly lost our 6 m fishing rod mast, so we made do with our 12 m spider beam mast.

The conditions turned out to be okay, and the SOTA-QSOs were quickly completed. In addition, two of our newest ARKers, Isak and Sindre, got a chance to try the radio for the first time. All in all, it became quite comfy on the top with radio, lunch, and warm cocoa.

We chose a different path that was more fun to ski down for the way down. This path is possibly also better to ascend, so we should remember that until next time. We followed a shallow valley where the wind had left a lot of loose snow for us to play in.

We reached the car before sundown and all agreed that the trip had been an outstanding success.
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