Have you heard of amateur radio, also known as ham radio? Do you want to talk to people all over the world using a two-way radio? Or learn how to build your own? Did you like to play with walkie-talkies as a kid? Then we think you should apply for a membership at our radio club, Akademisk Radioklubb (ARK)!
ARK is a club for radio amateurs and students who are interested in radio and other electrical gadgets. No previous knowledge is required, and you get to be a part of the only club at Samfundet with social antennas (although we keep misplacing them).
We are a social club with many different interests, including trips in the forest with portable radio equipment, board game nights, and other fun projects. As a member, you also get to utilize and borrow equipment from our well-equipped workshop.
You will get to opportunity to build and maintain the radio antennas on the roof of the Student Society. Our members also work on various different projects, giving you the opportunity to learn from like-minded people. We offer an amateur radio license course, on Thursday evenings, so that you can get your own call sign, as well.
We accept applications through Studentersamfundet’s admissions system, or directly on our “become a member” page. You can apply until January 22nd, 23:59.

Photo: LB5DH
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