LA1K / LA100K / LA1UKA

Year: 2021 (page 1 of 4)

Amateur radio as a family activity

During the holidays, the members of LA1K usually go home to their childhood homes, most of which sadly lack any [… Read more]

Weekend radio trip to Straumsvågen

On the first weekend of December, ARK took a weekend trip to LB0VG’s cabin in Straumsvågen to test out our [… Read more]

Making an 80-meter vertical antenna

One of the antenna projects that we completed recently is a loaded shortened quarter-wave vertical 80-meter antenna, intended for use [… Read more]

Telefonitest 2021

This weekend ARK participated in NRRL’s Telefonitest. It was a fun affair, with both experienced and new members operating the [… Read more]

Back on the top band

By the fall of 2018, it was time to replace the ropes supporting our 160 m wire dipole. The flag [… Read more]

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